Monday, January 16, 2012

Why Write?
Pat Cher

I've often been asked, why I write, and when did I start. The first story I remember writing was one about a cat who used a mouse's tail for a toothpick. I was in grade one or two. I liked poems, and early on wrote one about this boy who lived in the next village. Wish I had kept those, it would be fun to look at and reminisce. I started with short stories and poems and over the year has grown to include different genres.

On my computer I have a number of children's books; picture books, early reader chapter books, middle reader novels, and a story in verse. I also have an adult historical fiction, complete and ready to publish.

Over the years, I've shared these with family, but other than a few queries have not attempted to have any  published.

Last July, I sent my novel, Mi'kmaq Summer to a Canadian publisher who publishes native fiction.

My submission has yet to be acknowledged. I have emailed them requesting status, but received no response. One wonders if they are in business solely to receive the government subsidy.

Maybe they didn't like the story, but they could have responded.

It took me over ten years to write and research the story. I joined writers' groups (Writers' Village University and Critique Circle) and had it critiqued a number of times. The writers' group experience proved invaluable. I not only learned by my mistakes but by what others wrote as well.

In the past four years, I've been researching Print on Demand (POD), internet marketing, and the different avenues offered by the web for those who want to self publish. I've reached the point where I feel I'm ready to plunge in.

(In my next post, I'll be writing about the different options, and the pros and cons of each. Along the way, I'll let you know how the journey is developing. I'll also post my web site with excerpts from my stories.  I plan to be here at least twice a week. Stay tuned!)